Technology Training Should Be Relevant

Businesses should see a return on their technology training investment. Marlinspike Consulting offers customized training programs that can improve the job performance of nearly anyone who uses a computer.

Here’s What a Typical Marlinspike Consulting Training Engagement Looks Like:


Step 1: Design the Curriculum

Our training programs are tailored specifically to our clients’ needs, so we begin each engagement with an assessment to uncover critical skill gaps. We then design our training to improve those weaknesses, omitting unnecessary material found in standardized courses and focusing on the skills that are most important for the students’ job roles. This helps employees maximize the benefit they receive from training with a minimum of time spent attending class. And our printed materials are customized specifically for each training engagement so learners have access to the highest quality reference materials after the training is done.


Step 2: Deliver Training

Marlinspike Consulting delivers training wherever and whenever is best for the client: our location, their location, or remotely via the Internet. Training engagements are delivered on the client’s schedule, and can be as short as a day or as long as several weeks. This minimizes travel expenses for remote learners and means less time away from work attending training.

We use innovative delivery methods and the most effective learning products available, and our programs are effective for people of all learning styles. Through traditional classroom training, web-based training or asynchronous training, Marlinspike Consulting delivers superior results.


Step 3: Follow Up

People learn better when they encounter new material more than once, and after any training session new questions inevitably arise that were not addressed in class. That’s why all of our training engagements include an additional follow-up session dedicated to reinforcing key concepts and answering questions that come up after the first session. This gives students an opportunity to try out new skills in their work environment before asking questions, and it is one reason why Marlinspike Consulting students retain class material much better than those students in a typical single-exposure class.